2018 Foundation Grants Awarded:
2018 EITC Grants Awarded:
2018 EITC Renewal Grants Awarded:
- "Sewing for a Better World" - Katie Stehman
- "Sensory Room" - Emily McGonigal, Krista Buckwalter, Almarah Hutchinson, Rebecca Holmes
2018 EITC Grants Awarded:
- "Studying Human Rights" - Matt Good
- "Bridge Busters" - Sean Neslund
- "Breakerspace" - Andrew Wulfkuhl
2018 EITC Renewal Grants Awarded:
- "You Can Write Like an Author" - Michelle Sosnoski
- "Is Writing a Mystery?" - Michelle Sosnoski
- "DIS Makerspace" - Andrew Wulfkuhl
- "Science is Everywhere and Fun!" - Lisa Shelly/Kim Garner
- "BreakOut Boxes" - Carrie Haak
- "BreakOut Boxes" - Kim Garner, Hoffman/Carr
- "Building a Community of Learners" - Kristi Blauch